Dr. Steven Krause,
who has designed a sports management program at a university in
Portland, Oregon and who has served as an academic dean, urges fellow
educators to include a variety of literature in the class room to
augment other course materials.
“I routinely rely on the
literature to teach leadership to college students and would encourage
faculty who teach sports management related courses to include Rick’s
memoirs. Since we tend to idolize sports heroes and their associated
sports programs, this book would be perfect for those students going
into the world of sports management. They can learn much from the
ethical leadership insights and the managerial practices demonstrated by
Rick Bay.”
He adds, “Rick’s book is captivating and fun to read,
especially if you have ever been involved in sports on any level.”
"Very few books on intercollegiate athletics administration have actually been written by college athletic directors. Rick Bay's From the Buckeyes to the Bronx fills this void with an amazing collection of stories from his time as athletic director at Ohio State and Oregon. Bay's insights into administering college athletic departments will give students a great perspective on college sports during the 1980s and the subsequent growth shortly thereafter. The book's final section is an entertaining bonus about the author's bizarre 100 days as chief operating officer for George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees."
Brian A. Turner, Ph.D. Associate Professor/Program Coordinator Sport Management